Technical Data/ Information. CLP's what you need to know.

Make Candle Burning your business 
Product safety legislation is not a new thing, it has been around since the 1980’s. The law has required producers and distributors to place only safe products on the marketplace, provide information and warnings as to the risks their products pose (where these risks were not obvious), and to provide consumer instructions on the safe operation of how to use the product.

Currently, there are three standards concerned with candle safety: 
1. BS EN 15426 (Specifications for Sooting Behaviour),
2. BS EN 15493 (Candle Test),
3. BS EN 15494 (Product Safety Labels).

These standards will assist candle makers to demonstrate ‘due diligence’ under the The General Product Safety Regulation 2005 (GPSR) which dictates that all products must be fit for the purpose for which they are intended and safe at the point of sale.


About Classification, Labeling and Packaging (CLP)

Classification: manufacturers need to check if the chemicals used meet the criteria for classification.

Labelling: suppliers must label his substances & mixture to the CLP requirements in order to communicate hazard information.  Safety Data Sheets must be provided to business customers where the chemicals are hazardous.

Packing-Notification: Companies who place substances on the market must submit a notification to the Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory established by European Chemical Agency (ECHA).

Relevant Links:


Classification Labeling Packaging (CLP) Regulations. 

An overview in accordance with REACH Regulation EC No. 1907/2006

We are currently updating our technical data page pertaining to our candles CLP's & SDS.  We have created new formats for Classification, Labeling and Packaging (EC) No 1272/2008 and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in accordance with REACH Regulation EC No.1907/2006.

We currently produce our candles SDS based on 10% fragrance content. Our candles made with pure essential oils have an 8% fragrance content. Safety Data Sheet (SDS) will be provided to all our business wholesale customers who stock our candles.

Essential Touch Candles -BS EN 15494 (Product Safety Labels)

All our customers will be provided with the following  information which will form the essential component of a CLP label. We have opted to place this information on the candle label and on a separate leaflet wrapped into a scroll for our retail customers and a copy will be emailed to our business wholesale customers.

What you will find on our candle label

    1. Underneath the candle container you will find a round warning pictogram label with warning sign's.
    2. On a separate leaflet you will find a hazard statements, warning phrases along with the obligatory supplemental information such as guidelines for burning your candle and the chemical composition. For example, contains: Allylcyclohexylpropionate, Tetramethylacetyloctahydronaphthalenes, citronellal etc.
    3. The supplier identification/website address and the volume of the candle can be found on the candle label.

Please note all our Wholesale customer's will be sent a copy of the SDS's and CLP's for each of the candles ordered.

I hope this information was not too exhausting to read through.